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Want to watch movie in Germany? Have you found yourself in Berlin and realized that you definitely want to visit a film show in a German cinema? Do you think that the fact that you do not speak the language of Goethe and Schiller may prevent you from implementing this idea? No matter how! The incredible international popularity of the German capital has contributed to the fact that everyone can easily find an interesting film in English here.
To make your search easier, we have compiled a list of Berlin cinemas. Here you can enjoy and watch movie show in English.
Address: Potsdamer Strasse 4
With all the countless variety of non-traditional art-house cinemas that can be found in Berlin, sometimes you want to watch a good quality blockbuster in the original language. If this is your case, then the CineStar in Berlin will help you in the most conscientious way in realizing your desire.
Located in Potsdamer Platz, this mega-plex has 8 impressive screen sizes showing the latest in the international film industry every day.
In addition, the cinema connects to CineStar IMAX. IMAX Kino has a 500 square meter screen – the largest screen in Berlin and one of the largest in all of Germany. Add 18,000 watts of laser digital sound and comfortable leather seats to this massive picture and it’s the perfect movie show.
Address: Hauptstrasse 116, 10827 Berlin (Schoneberg)
Introduced under the name Filmbuhne Sylviain in 1950, the current Odeon is part of the Yorck-Kinogruppe as well as Belin’s excellent English-language cinema.
In the foyer of the cinema, on a separate wall with the name Celebrity Wall, the dates of birth of world-famous representatives of the film industry born this month are posted monthly.
Address: Dresdenerstrasse 126 10999 Berlin (Kreuzberg)
Berlin’s Babylon Kreuzberg, not to be confused with Babylon Mitte. It further offers one of the best film programs in the city, especially for Anglophiles. The English-language Babylon Kreuzberg program features the latest independent films as well as high-quality blockbusters.
Address: Segitzdamm 2, 10969 Berlin (Kreuzberg)
This cinema specializes in independent films shown in original languages with German subtitles.
Address: Kottbusser Damm 22, 10967 Berlin (Kreuzberg)
This cinema is present since 1907 and claims to be the “oldest cinema in Germany”. Here you get numerous films in original languages. There is also a program for young viewers, which includes at least one children’s film daily.
Address: Hasenheide 54, 10967 Berlin (Kreuzberg)
Finding this securely tucked away English-language movie theater is going to take a lot of work. However, once you have reached your destination, you will be welcomed into the world of masterpieces of the international film industry in a wide variety of original languages.
Address: Rosenthaler Strasse 39, 10178 Berlin (Mitte)
Housed inside Berlin’s famous Hackesche Hofe, this cinema shows a mix of films in original languages. Mostly art-house and blockbusters in the film program.
Address: Rosenthaler Strasse 40/41 10178 Berlin (Mitte)
This tiny cinema is tucked away along one of the red brick alleys of the Hackesche Hofe. Enjoy the interweave courtyards. And further find your way along the Blindenwerkstatt Otto Weidt museum, cafes and giant flying reptile sculptures.
Address: Karl-Marx-Allee 33, 10178 Berlin (Mitte)
A highlight of the GDR era, located on the “Karl Marx Boulevard” (Karl-Marx-Allee), Kino International continues to retain its elegance and sophistication to this day. The screen of this cinema has been and continues to be the site of numerous premieres, screenings of the popular international film festival Berlinare, as well as English-language films.
Address: Hermannstrasse 20, 12049 Berlin (Neukolln)
Since its opening in 1919, Neues Off has been a music hall, theater, and ballroom. In addition to that, it is even a porn theater (Eros Cine Center). Nowadays it is a respectable establishment with original versions of films with subtitles.
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