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Real estate in Germany – notarisation during corona

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Real estate in Germany – notarisation during corona

Posted by Tanya Yujelevski on 14/05/2020
Real Estate in Germany Notarisation - Blog | Sweet Home

Sweet Home is the best agent for Real Estate in Germany Notarisation, who can help you in making  your investment decisions wisely. 

German real estate notarization during Corona

There are more and more voices calling for the process to be digitalized

German law still allows visits to a notary to officially close a real estate purchase transaction, which traditionally requires the parties’ physical presence and reading of the terms of their dealings. You can schedule the appointments and consultations with the notary by phone or video under existing law. However, the signing has to be physical in front of the notary.


Some relief from this procedure already occurred as a result of Corona, which made the many meetings cumbersome. But Germany’s real estate industry now seeks to switch to digital notary contracts signatures.

Immowelt and IVD say digital notary contracts should also be valid for real estate purchases in the post-corona crisis period. Prof. Dr. Kai-Nikola Ziegler, CEO of Immowelt AG, said virtual visits to apartments via live stream, as already available on the portal, are a beginning. Next, digital notaries must be the next step in reforming the real estate industry in Germany.

Real Estate in Germany Notarisation

The IVD president said the German notary system offers buyers, sellers and investors a high degree of security. This is “in no way in limit” by switching to digital neutral contracts. “Through video calls, and with the support of encryption technologies, a notarize contract is manageable securely. And also digitally in a legal way,” the IVD president said convincingly.

By the end of March, the Notary Chamber in Berlin (Notarkammer) had already somewhat relaxed the restrictive rules on notarial approval – in particular the principle of personal presence of the parties involved in all parts of the process. However, the parties must eventually sign the contract in front of the notary. The law firm uses the existing legalization options of digitalization. For example, clients can connect to video conferencing if they wish, and as they would usually ask questions directly when contracting. This is a small step, but it can move us in the direction of significant change.

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